Mr. Tim Fairhurst
ETOA speaks for incoming and intra-European tourism. Members include tour operators large and small, online intermediaries, hotels, attractions, and tourism offices; they spend over €10billion annually. ETOA aims to be an influential facilitator for growth and a trusted resource for policy makers and business. Working at EU, national and regional levels, it provides services and expertise to its members and partners. It designs and delivers trade events and seminars, including destination marketing through CityFair and its ‘Showcase’ events and an annual summit in Lucerne, Switzerland.
Tim is responsible for developing and articulating ETOA’s policy strategy, and ensuring it reflects its members’ interests. Current interests include tourism and taxation; visa requirements and processes; package travel; good practice for city tourism; ‘destination Europe’. Prior to ETOA, Tim worked in the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK in international group tourism, primarily from North America. His roles ranged from operations management to product development for Asian, North American and European markets. A graduate of universities in the UK, France and Ireland, he qualified as a lawyer and a mediator, and spent many years as a tour guide (he still enjoys leading the occasional tour). Outside interests include the arts, food and drink, and hill-walking.